Our work continues

17 Jun 2015

Our work continues.

During this time, our support, we were realized to many interesting projects. One of them  playground of children’s which was opened in the village Vovchyk Poltava region. Supported landscaping with modern amenities of territories of Semenivka, Levchenkove, Svichkivka, Sotnykivka rural communities – there were repairs of monuments of Glory, improved street lighting, there was patching repairs, landscaped area and some landfills.

We did not forget to celebrate our veterans because May 9 – Victory Day was celebrated in all our communities. Everyone put in order “Obelisk of Glory, cooked delicious soldier’s porridge, food presented gifts to all veterans.

The days of the village also did not do without our support, because the preservation of cultural values ​​and traditions is a success for future generations. Our village Mikhaylivka, Ovsyuky, Nichohivka on the feast of the Trinity treated their guests to a delicious lunch and sweets.

Targeted assistance for treatment received 11 people. Perhaps the money that we can provide such families are not great but the first course of treatment it is enough enough. So at least say our wards.

Next week we are preparing to celebrate the “Day of Medical Workers” that is why prepare gifts to our district hospitals.. Already some of them received medical, office and Pyriatyn district hospital got doors and windows for repair in the operating department. We wish you health.

And the rest of our ongoing annual event that aims to support rural schools and kindergartens “Children – our future”. Within which will be provided to 400 000 thousand UAH to support proms, camps, minor repairs, small equipment for schools and kindergartens. Everyone will be able to use this opportunity that would improve conditions diey stay in school and pre-school institutions.

Contact information

  • +38050 33 298 81
  • Shevchenkiv Shlyh str. 268
    Kyivs'ka oblast

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